Wednesday 1 August 2012

Things I Want To Do When...

Am busy. Stupidly busy. Swigging diet coke at 3am busy. It's awful. I look awful. But soon - soon - it will be finished and normal transmission will resume.

Then I Will...

Respond to emails (Liv, Kirsten, Sophie, Maureen, Sarah I'm looking at you)
Blog about LA
Write an excoriating review of Damien Hirst
Visit The Tanks at Tate Modern
Experience Tino Sehgal's These Associations also while visiting Tate Modern
Visit Ai Wei Wei's summer pavilion at the Serpentine
Do my washing
Pay more attention to my husband
Jump on Jeremy Deller's Sacrilege
See 'Queen: Art and Image' at the National Portrait Gallery
Do some exercise
Put away my washing
Clean the house
Call the tax office
See my friends
Send those birthday cards
Book my ticket to Documenta
Organise a weekend in Cologne
Write reviews for Artlink
Plan a picnic in Regents Park
Go to a movie
Take my clothes to the tailor
Buy Wolf Hall
Read Wolf Hall
Get on top of my work
Find time to meditate
Stop eating family-sized blocks of chocolate on a near per-day basis
Cook something healthy and delicious
Research Istanbul for October
Reflect on the enormity of just having written a book
Get a pedicure

Oh. And maybe sleep.

1 comment:

tori said...

Don't buy Wolf Hall. Borrow mine. Let's use the cash and go for cocktails. I'm in for NPG, Ai Wei Wei and for Regent's Park. love you! x